
Angels were created as messengers of God.
The Scriptures reveal that God created nine orders of angels:
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Archangels, and Angels.
Out of this order come the familiar seven Archangels which include
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, and the fallen Lucifer.

The Eighth Choir - The Archangels, The seven angels that stood before God in Revelations are considered
to be the Archangels. Although it is agreed that there were seven Archangels, there has been some debate on who
the seven were. Most accounts name, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, the remaining three are generally chosen
from Metatron, Remiel, Sariel, Anael, Raguel and Raziel. The Archangels were the divine messengers between
the humans and God. Of the nine choirs the Archangels are probably best known to us. They are the battlers
of the Sons of Darkness.
Lucifer, whose ambitions were a distortion of God's plan, is known to us through the various religious teachings
as the fallen angel, with the use of many names, among which are Satan, Belial, Beelzebub and the Devil.
Because of the variety of teachings, we have come to 'untruth' when it comes to this most beautiful of angels
whose name means ' Light'

Archangel Ariel

Picture Archangel Ariel Angel of Lions, Lion of God

Ariel should be called upon when you require help with harmony and balance, Mother Nature, Animals and spirit release i.e. Exorcism. Around the world, his name maybe spelt:- Ariel, Ariael and Ariella

Not to be confused with Archangel Uriel, Archangel Ariel looks after nature spirits, you can invoke Archangel Ariel when requesting spirit release, for Ariel is attributed to cleansing and purifying Mother Earth

Archangel Ariel is very concerned with the Mother Earth. If you wish to connect with Ariel, go outside into your garden, or a park, and ask Archangel Ariel to draw close to your energies. Ariel is particularly strong where there’s water. A great place is by a waterfall or the ocean.

Ariel is also believed to be in charge of the East winds, he has charge over the planet Uranus. Some traditions believe Ariel has a head of a lion. Call on Ariel if you're involved with:-

Animal breeding
Animals control/care
Sciences that relate to the earth, marine, space, nuclear
Gaming Workers
Teachers of environmental issues, biology, chemistry, human biology etc
Tree Surgeons
Veterinary Work
Water treatment

If you need help during a specific time of the year, Ariel is associated with Summer.

Archangel Azrael

Archangel Azrael The Angel of Death

  Archangel Azrael, also spelled Azrail, Ashriel, Azaril, and Azriel, is the Angel of Death is either the cessation of life in a living organism or the state of the organism after that event.


His name literally means whom God helps. He is depicted as an angel, is believed to be an ethereal creature whose duties are to assist and serve the God or gods of many religious traditions. The word originated from the Latin angelus, itself derived from the Greek αγγελος, ángelos, meaning “messenger” (double gamma "γγ" is pronounced "ng" in Greek).

Archangel Azreal is said to reside in the 3rd Heaven and possesses 70,000 feet and 4,000 wings, while his body is provided with as many eyes and tongues as there are men in the world.

In Muslim tradition, Archangel Azrael is forever writing in a large book and forever erasing what he writes; what he writes is the name of a man at birth, and what he erases is that said name at death.

Also, in Islamic legend, Allah is said to have sent out four angels, Michael, Gabriel, Israfel, and Archangel Azrael, on a mission to retrieve seven handfuls of earth for the creation of Adam. Michael, Gabriel, and Israfel returned to Allah empty-handed, but the persistent Archangel Azrael had succeeded in wrestling soil away from the earth. For accomplishing this feat, he was appointed as the Angel of Death with the task of separating human souls from their bodies.

Archangel Azrael will assist you if you are experiencing blocks with your spiritual growth. Archangel Azrael is often associated with water, and the flow of life. Although associated as the angel of death, Archangel Azrael is not a frightening archangel, he helps the soul depart the physical and enter the spiritual. He helps also those who are left to grieve. Archangel Azrael is a comforting archangel and can be called on to assist you during these trying times.

Archangel Azrael will assist you with:-

  • Crossing over to the spirit world.
  • Clearing blocks in your spiritual pathway.
  • Grief Counsellors
  • Bereavement
  • Writing
Archangel Azrael is associated with:-

  • Water
  • Planet Venus
  • Astrological sign of Libra
Crystals you can use to work with Archangel Azrael:-

  • Amethyst
You can carry Amethyst with you to ensure your energies are aligned with Archangel Azrael, this can be just a single stone, worn in a ring or pendant. Alternatively try meditating with a piece of Amethyst in your left hand (if you're right handed) and your right hand (if you're left handed).

Candles to be used in rituals or meditation with Archangel Azreal are:-

  • White - to cleanse blocks and protect
  • Pink - to open the heart and allow the grieving process to begin.
  • Blue - to symbolise water and bring forth tranquility and transcendence.

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel Archangel of unconditional love

When you’ve problems, which relate to matters of the heart, then Archangel Chamuel is the angel you call upon in your hour of need. Archangel Chamuel works alongside you and helps your heart to heal. If you’ve been hurt, and you’re suffering from a broken heart, then by calling upon Archangel Chamuel and asking him for assistance you'll find the divine energy to help you mend your broken heart.

Archangel Chamuel’s name means “He who seeks God”. There are many who claim Archangel Chamuel was the angel who helped Jesus in Gethsemane (Luke 22:43), however I haven’t been able to find Archangel Chamuel by name in the bibles I’ve checked. Most bibles refer to an angel appearing before Jesus.

Archangel Chamuel is also known as:-

  • Camael
  • Cmiul
  • Jahoel
  • Kemuel
  • Khamael
  • Qemuel
  • Seraphiel
  • Shemuel
  • Shemael
22:43 And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.

The Catholic Church have strong views over any naming of angels except Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, there are some who claim all other angels who are said to make contact with humans are demons, not archangels who serve God.


Calling upon (invoking) Archangel Chamuel.

Archangel Chamuel’s planetary aspect is Earth. Therefore an ideal spot to try and contact Archangel Chamuel would be in a garden, alternately ensure that you have some plants nearby to help link with Archangel Chamuel’s energies.

You could also light pink candles. Sit quietly and once you feel calm and relaxed, ask Archangel Chamuel to enter your energies and ask for the help you feel you need.

Archangel Chamuel Invocation:-

Light a candle (ensuring it is free from drafts or anything flammable), holding a crystal in your hand, sit comfortably and relax. When you feel calm and collected, you can invoke Archangel Chamuel by saying the following:-

I am love and light divine, I call upon the higher angelic realm to protect me and keep me from all things negative both seen and unseen. I also ask and call upon the cosmic hierarchy to assist me in this meditation. I ask that my energies by aligned with Archangel Chamuel and I call forth Archangel Chamuel to assist me in opening and activating my chakra's so that I can be filled with pure love and radiant light. Please assist me in (you say what ever you feel here, as an example:- overcoming my pain). I ask beloved Archangel Chamuel that you remove all negative thought forms that cloud my intuition, vision and judgements. Strengthen my will power so that my energies merge with God, light, the one conscious energy. I thank you for your assistance and ask that God, light, the one conscious energy stay with me everywhere I go, to guide me so that my actions be in harmony with the cosmic purpose of life, so that light, love and power be restored to the earth plane. So be it.

Once you have done this invocation, it's important to sit quietly, and feel the presence of Archangel Chamuel. When you feel ready, open your eyes and take time to become aware of your surroundings. Whilst meditating, you may experience the following:-

  • Bright lights or colours.
  • Deep emotions (allow yourself to experience these emotions).
  • Change in temperature.
  • A sense of calm and peace.
  • A divine presence of love and energy.

Archangel Chamuel will assist you with:-

  • Matters of the heart - Love.
  • Finding lost possesions.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Security and law enforcement.
  • Artistic expression.
  • Finding accommodation.
  • World peace.
Archangel Chamuel is associated with:-

  • Planets Earth and Mars.
  • Ruling day of the week - Tuesday.
  • Astrological sign of Aries.
  • World peace.
  • Retrieval of lost possessions.
  • Finding inner joy and happiness
  • Achieving contentment with life.
  • Bringing forth your inner beauty.
  • Crystals you can use to work with Archangel Chamuel:-

  • Amber
  • Rose Quartz
You can carry these crystals with you to ensure your energies are aligned with Archangel Chamuel, this can be just a single stone, worn in a ring or pendant. Alternatively try meditating with a piece of Amethyst in your left hand (if you're right handed) and your right hand (if you're left handed).

Candles to be used in rituals or meditation with Archangel Chamuel are:-

  • Yellow - to symbolise upliftment, fertility, spiritual growth and renewal (rebirth).
  • Pink - to symbolise matters of the heart.
  • Green - to symbolise earth.
Plants/Essential Oils you can use to align with Archangel Chamuel whilst meditating are:-

  • Sage
  • Rose
  • Violets
  • Angelica
  • Lavendar
  • Chamomile

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel Angel of Annunciation, Resurrection, Mercy & Death  


Famous for announcing to the Virgin Mary, she was to bear the ‘Son of God’, Gabriel is often linked as the angel of childbirth.

It was Gabriel who dictated the Qu’ran to the prophet Mohammad. What’s different about Gabriel, is according to Judaism lore, Gabriel was thought to be a female angel. Most angels are considered androgynous, so they’ve both male and female aspects. But certain astrological aspects indicate that Gabriel is more female than male, this is because it’s widely believed that Gabriel comes from the west, and the west is associated with the element of water. Water is linked to the ruling planet Moon and the sign of Cancer. The cycles of the moon govern the menstrual cycle of the female, and the tides of the oceans and seas.

In Judaism, Gabriel is referred toas the angel of judgement and strength. In Catholocism, Archangel Gabriel is recognised as one of the three chief angels along with Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael.

In Islam, Gabriel is the most highly regarded angel (sometime written as Jabra'il) because he was the intermediary between Allah and the Prophet Mohammed.

Gabriel is othern associated with the Moon, water, emotions and the feminine side of Nature. His name means 'God is my strength' and he's said to rule the spirit of mankind. Gabriel is said to be the angel that connects the astral and heavenly worlds. He also helps gives guidance and help with prophecy and vision. So if your goals seem unobtainable, he's the angel you should look to and ask for guidance from.

If you need help in finding your true purpose in life, invoke Archangel Gabriel and ask him to bring you enlightenment For example…

  • Do you need help understanding, your life’s pathway?
  • Are you about to give birth?
  • Are you considering changing your career, home, or making a major purchase?
  • Do you feel your third eye is closed and you need spiritual vision?
  • Would you like to be able to predict changes ahead?
  • Do you feel sluggish and in need of a bodily detox?
  • If you've...…
    • been robbed?
    • taken on board someone else’s problems?
    • been physically or mentally attacked, or assaulted?
Archangel Gabriel will help you overcome these areas of concern. The star signs associated with Gabriel are: -

Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces

To invoke the assistance of Archangel Gabriel … sit somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Ask Gabriel to draw close so you can sense his presence in your energies.

Tell Gabriel you need help on this lifetimes pathway and would appreciate his guidance on any changes that may need to take place so you can move forward. Also ask that he cleanse your body of any impurities or toxins, negative energies, thoughts or old patterns that stop you from moving forward.

Ask Gabriel to surround you in truth, love and light and ask that you be protected from negative energies at all times. If you’re unable to sense Gabriel’s presence, ask if he would come through in a vision or dream to you, so that you know he has heard your request for help. Remember to finish off by thanking Gabriel.

Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel Chief of the Order of Principalities,
Virtues and Innocents.

Archangel Haniel is one of the chief angels in charge of the Order of Principalities, along with Cerviel and Amael. According to Judaism, he belongs to the hierarchy of the Eloheem. His God name is YHVH Tzabaoth, and his ruling planet is Venus. Haniel is also said to be closely associated with Enoch, and that it was Haniel who escorted Enoch to the spiritual realm. Haniel was also associated with Lucifer, before he became the fallen angel.

Haniel is also known as Anael, Aniel, Omoel, Hamael and Hanael.

The principalities are the third group in the hierarchy of angels, and the role of the principalities is to be the caretakers over every nation on the earth. Principality angels are empowered with the great strength of God to have a direct impact on the affairs of humanity. They can, if called to, move a vast nation of hearts and minds to bring about change for the betterment of the planet Earth.

Judaism folklore states that an angel of the principalities, carries a sceptre, cross and sword. Haniel has been said to appear as an extremely beautiful woman. He symbolises beauty, friendship and pleasure. He’s purported to be able to turn something that’s barren into something fruitful, and change your mood from one of great sadness to happiness. If you feel you life is incomplete, invoke Archangel Haniel to assist you.

Haniel is said to be the Archangel associated with the ruling astrological sign of Capricorn. One of his symbols is a a rose, which is meant to symbolise enfoldment, spiritual growth, love and beauty.

Haniel will help those who wish to enhance their psychic and mystical energiesby helping you to use the energies of the Moon. Haniel will also assist you if you wish to use crystals to enhance and promote healing and good health.

Below is a list of area's in your life that Archangel Haniel can assist you in:-

  • Balance
  • Company
  • Crystals
  • Dignity
  • Emotions
  • Friends
  • Harmony
  • Healing Rituals
  • Health
  • Intuition
  • Love
  • Lunar Energy
  • Performance
  • Spirituality
If you wish to invoke Archangel Haniel, you can also use the following to help you make a more stronger connection to his energies:-

Silver Candles to represent the colour of the moon and will help you in the realms of developing your spiritual gifts.

Green Candles to help boost your energy levels and bring about spiritual healing.

Purple Candles to help you develop your psychic abilities.

Red Jasper Crystals will help Archangel Haniel's energy draw close to you. Hold this crystal in your hands while meditating. Alternatively wear a piece of Red Jasper Crystal Jewellery.

The strongest times to connect with Archangel Haniel are:-

Day Hours           Sunday 04:00 07:00 13:00 21:00 Monday 01:00 09:00 11:00 18:00 Tuesday 05:00 08:00 14:00 22:00 Wednesday 02:00 11:00 19:00 --:-- Thursday 09:00 15:00 23:00 --:-- Friday 03:00 06:00 12:00 20:00 Saturday 00:00 10:00 16:00 --:-- Specific problems Archangel Haniel can assist you with are:-

Relationships and Romance.

Archangel Jophiel

Picture Archangel Jophiel Awakening, Wisdom, Inspiration, Joy

Archangel Jophiel is the archangel of wisdom and illumination. His divine purpose is to provide us with wisdom. Jophiel, whose name means ‘beauty of god’, is attuned to the colour yellow and gold. He’s particularly drawn to schools, colleges and places of education, whereby information is used to enhance spiritual growth and wisdom. It’s said that Jophiel's presence is strongly felt south of the Great Wall of China. If you wish to invoke Jophiel , the best day is said to be Sunday. Take some time out, to light either some yellow or gold candles, and ask Jophiel to step forward into your energy to assist you. If you find yourself stuck in a situation and you need a solution to your problems, then ask Archangel Jophiel to give you the answers and the inspiration you need.

If you….

  • Need help along your spiritual pathway.
  • Wish to find a deeper understanding of who you truly are.
  • Want to deepen your intuition and awareness for clearer sight.
  • Want to acquire more wisdom and knowledge.
  • Need joy and laughter in your life.
Ask that Archangel Jophiel fill your mind, body and spirit with light, enlightenment, wisdom, joy and laughter, to help you along your spiritual pathway.

It’s important to know that angels work on a different vibrational level to us, so it’s vital you don’t become disheartened if things don’t appear or happen instantly. It’s possible you won’t always see, feel or hear the difference your calling has made.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron The highest ranking Archangel

I AM Metatron, the angel of the nameless, formless void from which all creation springs. I am the outer manifestation of that which you know as God-Goddess, Source, All-That-Is. It is I who carry the pure thought of God on waves of sound vibration which form what you know as reality. All-That-Is cannot know itself if there is no is-ness, if there is no way to differentiate. Thus God, as pure consciousness in a nameless, formless void, chose to expand, to project into the outer reality of creation.

From this choice, all that you know as real did spring. From this choice, I did also spring, as the interface, if you will, for God to create aspects of its own self to experience. As there must be two polarities in order for experience to exist at all, also came my counterpart Sandalphon. We are known as the Angels who sit at the top and the bottom of the Tree of Life. It is so, in the sense that what is created from the nameless formless void must be anchored into place in order for it to be experienced as real. Through the two of us, God was able to bring forth infinite potentialities and possibilities of itself, and to know itself more fully.

We hold you, your world, your universe and all the dimensions of reality between us, Sandalphon and I. We are part of you and you are part of us. We all sprang forth from the creative thought of God. We contain within us the Tree of Life. Whether you know us or not, we share in your experience as embodied consciousness. We assist you in creating that experience, whatever you choose it to be. As you came forth from God, seeking to have your own unique experience, you were given the gifts of free will and absolute creatorship. You have all existed as a part of God always. You have chosen, at times, to experience yourself as an individual consciousness, and at times as a part of the One Consciousness. You have chosen to have the embodied experience in materiality that you are now partaking of.

All the dimensions of reality exist as sound vibration, or frequency. All is an emanation of sound from the One Consciousness. Although it may feel and appear that we are separate, you and I, and are very far away from one another, this is not the case. That which you know as the space time continuum is an illusion, a hologram, if you will. You and I, and all else that is, exist as One in no-space and no-time. The difference between the varieties of experience available throughout the dimensions and myriad forms of life is simply the level of frequency, or sound vibration.

You have chosen, now, in your embodiment, to live in this illusion of space-time for a while. When you chose that, you descended in frequency. The sound vibration of God-consciousness is very high, and nothing is perceived as tangible. In order for materiality, for the solid reality that you are very familiar with, to exist, the sound vibration must be lower and slower. It was necessary for you to lower the frequency of your portion of God-consciousness in order to experience embodied life. The only difference between you and I, God, and All-That-Exists, is the level of sound vibration.

Materiality came to be created as a further expansion of God’s experience of Self. It was created from great joy, as is everything that emanates from God. It was created to be an experience in differences, or polarities. Although by necessity created from a lower frequency of sound vibration, materiality was not created to be anything less than the perfection of All-That-Is. It was created simply to be another variety of joyous experience. Along the way, the thought came into being that some parts of the experience of materiality were good and some were bad. All creation continually perpetuates by the thought of God-consciousness, all God consciousness.

Thus, the thought that some part of creation could be less than perfect came into being. As more parts of God-consciousness began to agree with that thought, the frequency of materiality descended further. What was created from the highest frequencies of love and joy descended into the lower frequencies of judgment and fear. This has been your world, your planet Earth, and all life forms which dwell upon her – living the experience of not-perfect. You who dwell upon the Earth have, in truth, never been anything other than perfect facets of creation. You have been having the experience of being not-perfect and separate from the God-consciousness that you really are.

Now, there are those among you that have chosen to have a different experience – that of experiencing your perfection and wholeness once again. As God-consciousness, you have always had your own free will to create your experience any way that you chose. As you chose to experience the frequencies of fear and separation, so you may now choose to embrace the frequencies of love and joy. It is in response to that choice that I come to you and assist you. I bring the highest frequencies of joy, once again, into the Earth plane, so that you may know and feel your true nature.

I have experienced your pain and fear, for I am part of you. I am the energy that brings forth all manifestation from out of the void. I have not been separate from you. I exist to serve you, and all creation. I exist to assist you throughout your experiences as God-consciousness, no matter which experiences you have chosen. The many of you have not been able to perceive me because you have chosen to experience the lower frequency rather than the higher. I respond now, to your collective choosing, once again, to experience the frequency of joy that is your Divine heritage. As you choose, so shall it be given. I bring my energies into your plane to assist you to know your own perfection in embodied form. You are not now, nor have you ever been, anything less than unique and brilliant facets of God-consciousness.

I AM Metatron

I AM With You Always

St.Archangel Michael

Picture Archangel Michael Prince of Light & Champion of Humanity

Archangel Michael is the Archangel you should call on when you’re in need of courage, strength and protection. Archangel Michael's purpose is to guard and protect all of God’s creations. In Catholicism, Archangel Michael is regarded as one of the Chief Archangels along with, Gabriel and Raphael. These three angels are the only ones recognised by the Catholic Church today. Archangel Michael's role includes fighting evil and Satan and to rescue faithful souls at the hour of death. Archangel Michael's name is said to mean "Who is like God".


Archangel Michael can be found in Christian, Islamic, Catholic and Jewish faiths, and these religions believe Archangel Michael was the first angel God created. In Revelations 12:7-12, it's Archangel Michael who leads his army of angels in the fight against Satan and his angels at the end of the world.

According to the Jewish faith, it was also Archangel Michael who spoke to Moses from the burning bush.

It’s important that if you wish to communicate with the angels and get them to help you, you must ‘ask’ them to help you. An angel isn’t allowed to interfere, unless it’s a life or death situation, without your consent. The reason for this is, we were granted ‘free spiritual will’, and if an angel were to act without our consent, we wouldn’t have free will.

The star signs often associated with Archangel Michael are: -

  • Aries.
  • Leo.
  • Sagittarius.
Therefore if you're born under these star signs, Archangel Michael is said to be your birth angel and the connection to him is very strong.

The ruling planet Archangel Michael is said to be connected to, is the Sun, and the element of Fire. Archangel Michael will help you gain initiative, courage and willpower.

If you’re…

  • Being physically or emotionally attacked.
  • Away from home and your property needs protecting.
  • Stranded because your car has broken down.
  • Feeling nervous and out of your depth.
Ask Archangel Michael to come to you, to protect you with his cloak and shield. As soon as you call, Archangel Michael and his army of angels will arrive. I’ve heard of numerous stories whereby people, who in the midst of trouble, have been rescued at the last minute.

One particular night, whilst Glenn was away on business, I felt particularly vulnerable for me and my two young children. After carrying out the normal security checks on our home and setting our burglar alarm, I called upon Archangel Michael and his angels to protect us, and keep us safe that night. I asked him to place an angel at each doorway in my house. One at both sides of my children and I, until morning light. The room, although silent, suddenly felt very warm, and as the minutes passed I felt a growth of peace, love and safety.

When I woke in the morning, I found my four year old son Max, at the side of me. The first thing he said was, “Mummy, did you see the angels, they stayed with me all last night”.

What I love most about angels, is they’re so powerful and easy to connect to. Anyone can work with angels, and they’re always happy to oblige and help you.

Imagine being a guardian angel, wanting to help people in need, you constantly walk around the person who you're assigned to, you watch their triumphs and their downfalls. And even though you know how to make everything right, you can’t do anything because you’re invisible, and even if you said something you’d rarely be heard. As human beings, we’d have given up hanging around long ago, and yet our angels are filled with pure love for us. Nothing we do, or say will ever stop them loving us.

As well as protecting us, Archangel Michael can also release us. If you’re dependent upon having a job, a partner, or a building, these create psychic bonds that hold your soul down like a ball and chain. If you’re harbouring old painful memories, hurts, anger, jealousy or negative feelings, they’ll generate unhappiness, ill health and bad luck.

All you need do is ask Archangel Michael to use his mighty sword to cut any cords, which are binding you to past relationships, places and feelings. If you’re unable to release your feelings and forgive the people involved.

Pass this onto Archangel Michael, and ask him to do this on your behalf. Once the cords have been cut, you’ll notice such a feeling of release and freedom. Your health will improve and you’ll feel more positive and confident.

Archangel Raphael

Picture Archangel Raphael Chief Divine

Raphael who’s name means ‘God has healed’, is the last of the well-known angels who’s mentioned in the bible.

Raphael helps you triumph over despair and illness. In the Catholic faith, Raphael only appears in the Apocrypha. Raphael is the angel who helps Tobias cure his Dad's blindness in the book of Tobit. According to Judaism, Raphael is considered the healing angel.

In Christianity, Raphael is the archangel who was sent with a ring from God to assist King Solomon in the building of his temple. The seal of the ring was a pentagram, which was later adopted and used by humans in ceremonies, particularly witches. The pentagram is said to have the power to bind demons and is one of the oldest medical symbols known to man.

Raphael who it’s thought resides in the East, is usually associated with the star signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and linked with the planet Mercury and the element of Air. The best day of the week to invoke Raphael is said to be on a Wednesday.

If you desire assistance in developing your psychic abilities, Rapheal’s your angel. It’s believed Raphael can help you to develop your psychic sight through the sixth chakra (the third eye). It’s through developing this chakra that you can achieve clear thinking and vision which will assist you in following your pathway without fear of the truth.

As well as being associated with healing and inner vision, Raphael is the angel of abundance. He will help eradicate any negative blocks, disease, and help you create everything you want, through visualisation and focus. If someone close to you is blinded to the truth around them, invoke Raphael and ask that their eyes be opened to the truth.

If you’re in need of powerful healing, Raphael is said to be the best angel to call on. I remember my mother who’d been gravely ill, and was to have yet another operation. The doctors weren’t sure whether she’d survive this time, as they were operating near her spinal cord and the pressure of a growth was affecting the neurons transmitting from and to the brain. She prayed that Raphael would heal and rid her, once and for all, of this disease she had. A few days later, just before her operation, she had been feeling unwell, so the nurses had pulled the curtains around her bed to give her time to rest. It wasn’t long before the curtains were opened and a gentleman stepped forward stating he was a doctor just checking to see, how she was. He told her she was going to be fine, and not to worry. My mother said this doctor was strange, he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen and she noticed his immaculate hands and immaculate shoes which were extremely shiny and bright they almost glowed. My mother said she felt very calmed by this doctor, he took her hand for a while, she remember he’d a beautiful smile and she felt no pain whilst he was with her. He then said he must check on someone else and left. It wasn’t long after that a nurse came to check on her, and my mother recounted the doctor’s visit. The nurse was somewhat concerned, no doctor had been on the ward that afternoon. My mother told the nurse the name of the doctor who’d been to see her and described him. Upon checking, the nurse confirmed there wasn’t a doctor of that name at the hospital. Now my mum knew she wasn’t hallucinating. She felt completely calm, loved and at peace, and had an inner knowing everything would be all right. Needless to say, she made a miraculous recovery from that operation and lived another year and a half, before passing over to the other side.

Archangel Sandalphon

Picture Archangel Sandalphon Angel of Earth

Archangel Sandalphon’s name translated actually means ‘Messiah’. Sandalphon is said to be the tallest angel, the angel of the earth, and protectorate of the guardian spirit.

According to the Kabbalah, Sandalphon’s God name is ‘ Adonai Ha Aretz’, who belongs to the angelic order of the ‘Asheem’. To connect with Archangel Sandalphon use meditation with the plant’s Lilly, Ivy and Willow.


As the angel of the earth, Archangel Sandalphon has no particular day that's stronger for you to connect to him, therefore, you can connect with him whenever you wish. If Archangel Sandalphon appears before you, he'll usually show himself as a wise old man or a pontiff. According to Christianity, Archangel Sandolphon is connected with John the Baptist. It is Archangel Sandolphon that will help you connect with the one consciousness, and he can assist you by assigning a special spirit guide to help you connect with the spirit world.

The Kabbalists believe that Archangel Sandolphon is associated with the Malkuth. The Malkuth is said to be the first stage or sphere on the ‘Tree of Life’.

It's Archangel Sandalphon who presides over this stage of your life, and he'll determine when you may ascend further up the tree of life. Meditate and ask Archangel Sandalphon to help you, when Archangel Sandalphon feels you’re ready, and that your heart is pure enough to ascend, he's said to appear before you and present you with a key, which will enable you to progress to the next level on the tree of life.

The Kabbalist believe that Archangel Sandalphon may appear before you as a wizard if you’re an adult. If you’re a child, he's said to take on the appearance of an ice princess. Other Kabbalists report seeing Archangel Sandalphon in the form of John the Baptist, a Pope and if you’re extremely honored in his divine appearance, that of Elijah, when appearing as Elijah, he carries a staff to symbolise power and wisdom.

Archangel Sandalphon is a master who says little, but who can say a multitude of things with one look, call upon Archangel Sandalphon to assist you, as you embark upon your journey through the tree of life, ask him to bring you the wisdom to deal with life’s adventures.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel Angel of Prophecy, Repentance, God, the Kabbala, Thunder & Lightening

Uriel is the archangel God sent to Noah, to warn him of the impending cleansing of the earth with floods. If you find yourself in a crisis and it’s the twelfth hour (i.e the last minute), call on Uriel to save you. Uriel is said to be the most powerful and formidable angel and his presence is said to reflect the unimaginable brightness of the throne of God, for it is Uriel who's the keeper of the gates of Zion and the guardian of the new spiritual age. His purpose is to teach truth, wholeness and Unity.

Uriel said to be the Angel of the North, and his ruling plant is Uranus. He’s associated with the star signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, which are Earth signs. Uriel meaning ‘The light of God’, is the angel to call upon when you’re…

  • In desperate need of peace and tranquillity.

  • Unsettled and you don’t feel as though you belong or fit anywhere.

  • Feeling exhausted and don’t know where to turn.

  • Consumed with anger.

  • In a relationship that’s abusive and full of arguments

To connect with Uriel, use his assigned day which is Saturday. Create a small clear area in which to commune with him, breathe deeply and when you're feeling relaxed, ask Uriel to draw close.

Light two green candles, on a piece of paper, you may wish to use angel symbology to help attune your energies even stronger by drawing a lightening falsh on a piece of paper.


On the reverse side, write your desires. Meditate and allow Uriel to communicate with you. When you feel that you have finished, take time to thank Uriel and allow the candles to continue to burn. Just before they are both spent, (burnt out). Burn your paper with the flame of one of your candles and visualise the smoke carrying your request and being absorbed into the angelic realms.


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